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VA FOIA Library - Public Access Link (PAL)

The VA maintains a library of documents available for electronic download. When records are requested frequently, and are likely to become the subject of future FOIA requests, the agency will post records for public disclosure. The agency will also proactively disclose records absent a FOIA request to keep our audience abreast with changes in the VA Enterprise.  Search on the record categories below or use the “search box” for quick access to locate records you need.

Search for Documents in Reading Room
Reading Room File CabinetDescription
Annual FOIA ReportsReporting Period: 2018 - Present
Board of Veterans Appeals (BVA)Records pertaining to BVA Decision Disposition, American Law of Veterans
Chief FOIA Officer ReportsReporting Period: 2018 - Present
FOIA LogsA list of all VA requests
Office of The Secretary of VA (OSVA)Records pertaining to the Secretaries Office
Office of Electronic Health Records Modernization (OEHRM)Records pertaining to OEHRM VA Program; Email communications, determinations and findings for HER; interoperability review, and advisors
Office of General Counsel (OGC)Records pertaining to LGBTQ benefits; NSACAR education service
OtherRecords pertaining to vegetation control, Army services center, information on Agent Orange, environmental support, toxic and hazardous materials, and installation assessments
Purchase Card Holders 
Quarterly Reporting 
Regulations and Policies 
VA FOIA Contact ListsVA Central Office and NCA; VBA, VHA
Veterans Access to Care 
Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA)Records pertaining to Global War; and physician’s guide to disability
Veterans Central Office (VACO)Records pertaining to Police service; acquisition and logistics; OIG reports; VA data breaches; presidential transition user guide and plan
Veterans Health Administration (VHA)Records pertaining to Leases, contribution awards, patient audit, Patient Access Data
Office of Acquisition & Logistic Contracts (OALC)Medical Surgical Prime Vendor (MSPV) Contract Records; Historical VA Pharmaceutical Prices; Historical VA Hearing Aids Procurement Distribution Summaries.
Whistleblower Investigation RecordAll whistleblower investigations
FOIA Program InformationFederal government FOIA Stats and Tier Lists (data and information available on

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